
kamilas4am is testing the template feature of the platform

PR Release by Kamila's 4am
2 mins to read

kamilas4am is testing the template feature of the platform

kamilas4am is testing the template feature of the platform

kamilas4am's mockup product design

kamilas4am is currently working on a feature that will enable small business owners to get content ideas in just 3 steps. Currently, one of the biggest problems of small business owners is knowing what to post in their platform.

In order for small business owners to grow their social media accounts, they need to be on top of all the trends that are usually changing on a daily basis. This is time-consuming for small business owners. Also, it requires a certain marketing skill set that not all SMB owners have.

kamilas4am plans to solve this by creating a feature that automatically suggests trends to small business owners based on the industry that they are operating in. The trends and video ideas that will be suggested are relevant to the industry they belong to. This way, we free up around 2 hours of their time since they do not need to spend time on social media just to know the trends. This feature is still in development but you can already check it out here.

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